BC Level 4

Friday, September 22, 2006

Task : by Aom

Hi! Ed and every one!

For the current situation, everything is okey!^^ The coup is not violent as other countries think. And I'm fine even though my home is the same area as Mr. Thaksin's.

My home is in Jaransanithwong 85 alley. I think there are several changes in my area over the last 10 - 15 years. The obvious change is a tunnel. They have built it to solve the traffic jam at Bangplad intersection. Next, near my home, there is a public park that was built for 2 or 3 years. In the past, it was just an empty area. This park is useful for people doing sports like soccer, and also suitable for jogging. Last, many houses have become mansions. They have built 4 buildings in a few years which the two ones are finished and the others are under construction and can open in very soon.

The change has both advantages and disadvantage in it. Therefore, don't fear to face the change and try to look for the good site when changing such as Thailand in this day.

Goodluck in exam if you are going to have like me! ^^;
See you all on sunday!!!^^


At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good luck in your examination.The traffic is heavy so they have built it to solve the traffic jam at Bangplad. We think that is a good idea...

From P'Too ,Unknown Anonymous ,Tea

At 5:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've should too.



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